Genus: artist memery portraits in danish and english

Artists - Genus                         in ENGlish

Artist and Genus is a virtual work of art featuring Artists of all kinds. Here you can create a free "memory and info page" about yourself as an artist which they can leave as a stamp / business card on cyberspace for now and for posterity.


As the website is free to maintain, it does not perish even if the artist dies and does not cost the survivors anything. In return, the artist has secured a digital stamp on the Internet in cyberspace and will be remembered by posterity. Everyone who wants to participate can participate no matter what country in the world you come from.


In webador you can make your own website for free with the same template as used here. Then you submit your site to and will be linked to this front page. It is important to understand that in order for it to be easy to search for the artist, his name must be included in the title of the website. e.g. or like and in english.


But you can also have your own website posted for free.

Lotte Kjoeller photo

Kunstnere - Slægt                     på Dansk

Artist and Genus er et virtuelt kunstværk for Kunstnere af alle slags. Her kan du lave en gratis "minde og info side" om dig selv som kunstner som du kan efterlade som et frimærke / visitkort på cyperspace til nu- og til eftertiden.


Da hjemmesiden er gratis at opretholde forgår den ikke selvom kunstneren dør og koster ikke de efterladte noget. Til gengæld har kunstneren sikret sig et digitalt frimærke på internettet i cyperspace og vil blive husket af eftertiden. Alle der har lyst til at deltage kan medvirke uanset hvilket land i verden man kommer fra.


Man kan i webador lave sin egen hjemmeside gratis med samme skabelon som her brugt. Derefter indsender man sit site til og bliver linket til denne forside. Det er vigtigt at forstå at for at det skal være let at søge kunstneren skal hans navn indgå i websitets titel. fx. eller og være på engelsk.


Men man kan også ganske gratis få sin egen hjemmeside lagt på.

Contact to Adam Friedel Family and relative - look here!

I will ask every relative artist or relative who know an artist who is in family with Adam Friedel to contact me Lotte Kjoeller Friedel Therkelsen here. If there is enough I will make an artpiece more for Adam Friedel relative artists.

Do you want help to make the Genus and Info site?

Everyone who wants to join must mail a email and a code to me during the form. Then I will send a template where you can do your site yourselves. You must feel free to make the site yourself and let me put it on the site for free.


Or pleace contact Lotte Kjoeller here if you want her to design a page for you. 1 site for 1 artist costs 55 euro in one time fee. After that maintenance is free. I will ask you to send material and info about the artist. Born and eventually deadtime. Cv, pictures, a potraet etc.



Copyright: Lotte Kjoeller has copyright on this page and the pictures. It is not allowed to steal. The artists has copyright om their own artists memery sites. The artists has copyright om their own artists memery sites.


Create Your Own Website With Webador